Tuesday, October 14, 2008

a not-so-little about me (part. 1)

my NAME is Arya Pugala Kitti
this is a pretty weird name -.-' and people tend to LAUGH by first glance though it's a (BIG) family name of mine T_T

my BIRTH DATE was 22nd of May 1990
it makes me a not-so-proud member of the GEMINI club
it's not prestigious like Sapphire Club (it's a club at the airport which enables you to get many privileges by paying some amount of money)
being a member of gemini club is free and you don't get anything too -.-'

i have some HOBBIES but not all of them are talent for me

the first one is cooking !!! unfortunately, i am not a talented cook T_T

but since i love it, i continue cooking until now, just as hobby

i majored in cakes and chocolates !!!

of course, i have succeeded some, like 30..................out of 120 -.-" T_T

then..... i like phylosophies, without knowing why.

maybe because basically i'm a thinker-type

but it's not a serious one, like taking it as a a concentration in the university

i really like to joke around with my friends

some say that i'm a clown for them -.-'

and the ultimate-giga-ultra-super-duper-hobby of mine is MUSIC !!!!!!!

oh damn... it's not a hobby, but it's my life !!!

i concentrated in choirs, especially girls' choirs

and i understand a bit about orchestra

i think the explanation ends here, since there'll be a special part about 'music in my life'

see ya !

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